Nursery Reveal

Matt and I moved into our home a mere three months before our little princess was due to arrive. Not only did we have a whole house to settle into, but I wanted to create a beautiful nursery to welcome my baby girl home too. Fortunately, I was able to complete the nursery before she came (I definitely had my doubts that this was going to...
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Week 40

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Week 35

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DIY: Tutorial on Tabbed Curtains

Another project finished! Whoohoo! Only 5 short weeks until baby Brynlee Rose makes her entrance into this world--that is, if she is on time.  I still have lots to do to prepare for her arrival, but slow progress is still progress and I am hopeful that I will get enough done before she gets here.  I found this awesome tutorial...
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DIY: Ruffled Crib Skirt Tutorial

We just moved into our new house about a month ago, so we have been busy unpacking and getting the house ready.  I'm 33 weeks along, which means baby girl is going to be here in less than two months! I've started working on her nursery, and just finished the first project--an adorable ruffled crib skirt.  Would it be easier to...
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Week 32

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Week 30

Here is a video of Brynlee moving around :]  ...
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Week 28

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Week 24

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Week 20

Matthew and I gathered with those we love most to share the special moment of finding out if we will be bringing home a little boy or girl in August. I am overwhelmed by His love and goodness. All the glory goes to Him! Now, I can finally start shopping for my little one! ;)  Ahhhhhhh!!! Here is a must-see video of the reveal!...
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Week 18

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